Exam Tips


It is my belief that if you are truly prepared you will know if you will pass an exam even before you enter the room. Preparation is the key. If you studied most of the work that is required on the syllabus, do as much pass papers as you can fine; practice until it becomes second nature to you, do mock exams – testing and timing yourself, you are will not fail. Do the work, and reap the reward!

But even before this kind of intense exam preparation, a good understanding of the work is required -  this you can get by going through the lesson and doing exercises etc. Masterkylemaths.com has all the resources you will need to help you.


Exam Day

Critical to your success on exam day (game day) is managing you time. If you would have done your preparations prior, then you should be more confidence; either way in your mind at this point you cannot worry about it.  In fact even if you think you are not fully prepared, you need to act like you are, tell yourself you are and go with confidence.

You want to strategize your exam. Go over your questions quickly at first to get a general overview of the ones that looks familiar and easy for you; those that you believe you can easily handle. Following the instructions given in the front; do the easiest question first, you do not have to attempt the questions in order on the pages. Just remember to number the questions you did correctly. By doing the easy questions first your confidence will be built and by the time you  come to more difficult question, you will be more calm and better prepared to do the more challenging questions.

Do not be afraid of any question, attack them mentally. Use what you know, apply it to your questions and arrive to at your answer. Not all question are going to be straight forward, or look exactly like one you did before, but believe me if it’s there and you did your studies, you have the resources in your mind to figure it out. Think critically and work.

If by chance you find yourself spending too much time one question, leave it go and do another and come back to it (assuming you have not attempted all others questions that is). Sometime by doing so you remember something to help with the troubled question while doing another question; either way it make no sense waiting time on a question that you are not close to figuring out, when you could be gaining marks on another and return to the troubled question later.

Under no circumstance do not give up in an exam! Fight to the end. If you have done all questions you could have done and you have not done the required amount of questions, attempt another one. Write something! Do not leave your paper blank. That attempt could give you a mark or so that may just make you pass or be the difference between a one or two etc. Keep calm and work smart.

Good Speed and best of luck in your exam! You will do great!